WOW section

Today I would like to give advice on guilds. Now from personal expiereince I have found that if you havelimited WOW time guilds take up to much energy and time for there benifits. But if you do have enough time they can really help you.
For example if you have enough time to befriend the people in your guild and become a part of the guild community you can reep good benifets like money,quest help and best of all you can gain more knowlage from the higher lvl players.
If you dont have alot of time guilds could be a hastle. Like me I only get to play about an hour on the weekdays,the times I have been in guilds I really dont feel comfortable and end up awnsering the questions they have for me with ,good, bad and ..... this makes them give me the coldshoulder and then I quit. But I give up on alot of things when the going gets though.
Best Classes in BG
Scourge Invasion
The new scourge invasion is I think TOTALLY AWSOME! I personally spent about 2 hours just waiting around Stormwind attacking scourge when I saw them, and im a lvl 25. The thing about the invasion is it kind of makes you feel like you have a porpuse to fight it off, and its not like the scourge isnt a threat a few nights ago they reached the Stormwind keep. The invasion has really spiced up WOW and im really happy about it and I know this sounds cheesy but its knida brought the alliance together(and probably the horde even though they suck). To learn more about the guild I lead and WOW go to my other blog
Your guild is so awesome and has so much useful info! Keep updating!
7:40 AM
Whoa... That's really sentimental. Keep on writing man. I wake up every morning thinking "Will the Peach Press be updated?" When it is, it makes my day.
9:11 PM
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